Lemony sips,
bit different..
The same lemony goodness, mixed with a dash of awesome. Get to know our new line of L&P products!

L&P and Pinapple lumps
What goes together better than chips and bread or ‘choice’ and ‘bro’? Our good lemony stuff and Pascall’s Pineapple Lumps! It’s like NZ in a bottle. Launched for the first time in 2020 for a limited time only.

IS your mouth ready for something different?
You've come to the right place. Our ginger beer has been designed to refresh your entire face off. It’s lemony, it’s gingery, and it’s delicious; it’s the best refreshment. Only back for a limited time, so enjoy!

L&P sour back for another round!
A firm fan favourite. L&P Sour, provides that little bit of zing everyone’s looking for. When it’s going to be back next? No one knows, yet.